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Taking action

Trois hommes sur un chantier portant un casque de sécurité - arrêt de travail et reprise d'une activité

Analyze sick leave and support employees returning to work

Supporting employees

A virtuous cycle begins by helping companies to better understand sick leave and thereby better manage this leave, for everyone’s ultimate benefit: from compensation to back-to-work assistance to targeted prevention initiatives for employee wellbeing.

This is part of a comprehensive program designed in close collaboration with employers, physicians and employees to help companies fulfill their role in employee healthcare.

Benefits of this service:

  • targeted prevention initiatives by identifying the medical causes for sick leave (for companies with at least 4,000 employees)
  • personalized back-to-work assistance for employees experiencing difficulties
  • medical follow-up of sick leave for better risk management, for everyone’s benefit​
  • medical confidentiality guaranteed every step of the way


What our customers say:

“With this support, I really felt better.”​

Customer feedback (source: Prévia)

Our AXA services

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