Everyday savings

Easily keep an eye on all your savings
easyprojets.com is a service platform like no other on the market. It caters to the needs of today’s increasingly connected customers.

easyprojets.com gives employees a full 360-degree view of all their savings. They can keep track of individual and company savings accounts held with AXA or non-AXA companies, including life insurance policies and basic and supplementary retirement savings.
There is also a public learning space for anyone to enrich their understanding of company retirement savings, with videos, fun activities, simulations of voluntary contributions and retirement income, and the latest news.
The fully responsive design of the easyprojets.com website means it automatically adapts to all screens to deliver the best experience to users, whether they are on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Easyprojets.com won the 2018 Argus d’Or insurance award.