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Un père avec son fils sur les genoux devant un ordinateur portable

Promoting responsible insurance

Assurance citoyenne

With the “Assurance Citoyenne” label, we are making the commitment to do even more to inspire trust, prevent risks, protect the environment, support the community, and encourage every individual to adopt responsible behaviors.

Monassurancecitoyenne.com is a community platform where people can share their ideas and innovations and help co-create more responsible products and services in France.

Putting the focus on prevention

Axa Prevention - AXA Santé & Collectives

Thanks to the work of AXA Prévention, more than 12 million people have been alerted to risks at home, on the road, to their health, to the climate and in the digital world.

Plusieurs mains d'enfants les unes sur les autres
Un enfant plantant un arbuste avec son père

Fighting climate change

A tree planted through Reforest’action for every contribution to a Perspectiv’ESG life insurance policy – 200,000 trees have already been planted since 2017, thanks to new customers choosing to receive terms of sale by email.

100% renewable electricity used at AXA sites in France by 2020 (already achieved at AXA France).

Divestment from coal, while multiplying green investments by four to €12 billion, by 2020.

Promoting diversity in entrepreneurship and inclusion in society as a whole

Partnering with the Entreprendre foundation and the #DesEllesPourEntreprendre program to support women’s entrepreneurship.

Protecting young LGBT victims of homophobia and transphobia, together with the Le Refuge organization.

Supporting people with disabilities and helping them back into workplace with the foundation created by Frédéric Sausset, “Ma course à la vie”.

Encouraging social diversity through the Premier Campus tutoring program run by the Sciences Po university, sponsored by AXA.

Une femme assise sur un bureau et utilisant son ordinateur
Des hommes et des femmes ayant le même tee-shirt bleu se tenant par les épaules et marchant ensemble

Taking action with and for our employees

AXA Atout Coeur - AXA Santé & Collectives

Promoting diversity :

  • Equal opportunity and diversity labels and EDGE certification.
  • Same parental leave policy applied around the world.

Encouraging employee participation :

  • AXA Hearts in Action in France: 28,177 volunteer initiatives.
  • More than 14,000 employees participating in Corporate Responsibility Week.

Supporting our customers

Axa Entraide - AXA Santé & Collectives

An annual budget of up to one million euros earmarked to help insureds through difficult times.
More than 180 policyholders have received our support since 2013.

Un homme souriant portant son fils sur les épaules dans la rue